2019 Sino-Pack
Addtime:2018-12-26 10:53:08  Views:
Dear Customers/Suppliers,

We hereby sincerely invite you visit us at Sino-Pack 2019 in Guangzhou, China. We attach highly importance the opportunity to communicate you at the booth. Please kindly note the following information:

Exhibition Center:  Area A, China Import & Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou, PR China

Company Name: Zhongshan Weighlin Package Machinery Co., Ltd

Hall Number : 2.2

Booth Number : E09

Date : March 4 - 6, 2019

Online Service
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Call me!

86 07602277-6072


Hi, how can I help you?weighlin

Hi, how can I help you?weighlin

Hi, how can I help you?Derson Hsiao

Hi, how can I help you?Nicole Peng